apostle (film) artinya
- apostle: mubaligh; rasul; hawari; delegasi; pembawa pesan;
- apostle: mubaligh; rasul; hawari; delegasi; pembawa pesan; pemberita; duta; wakil; petugas; pengemban tugas; penganut; utusan; murid
- andrew the apostle: andreas; santo andreas
- apostle of germany: bonifatius; santo boniface; st. boniface; bonifasius; boniface; winfred; wynfrith; saint boniface; santo bonifasius; bonifakus
- apostle of the gentiles: apostle paul; st. paul; paul; saint paul; saul
- apostle paul: apostle paul; st. paul; paul; saint paul; saul
- bartholomew the apostle: bartolomeus
- john the apostle: yohanes
- jude the apostle: yudas bin yakobus
- matthew the apostle: matius
- paul the apostle: paulus; paulus dari tarsus; saul; saint paul; paul; st. paul; apostle paul
- philip the apostle: filipus
- stachys the apostle: stakhis
- thomas the apostle: tomas
- conversion of paul the apostle: pertobatan rasul paulus